Eating Disorder Treatment

Real Life. Real Recovery.

Who we are:

We are passionate about supporting people on their journey to eating disorder recovery.

We are here with you.

Our Vision:

We believe that real recovery happens in real life. Eating disorders are complex and can quickly take control over your life. We are a team of experienced professionals who are there to help you achieve and maintain your recovery- and that is the vision that gets us excited. Our team of therapists, registered dietitians, and psychiatric providers work together- with you- and your natural supports- to get you to where you need to be. We believe in being real. We believe in doing what works. We believe it will take all of us. We know that the recovery at the end of the road is more than worth it. We are here for you- for the long haul.

"True freedom is found in embracing who we are, flaws and all, and learning to love ourselves unconditionally."

- Brene Brown